What are Honduran Cigars and How are They Made?
A Honduran cigar is a cigar that is manufactured from tobacco grown in the country of Honduras. It's generally shorter than your typical Cuban cigar.
Sweet or Spicy Pipe Tobacco: Which One is Right For You?
Pipe tobacco is a favorite for many smokers because it offers many flavors. From sweet tobaccos to spicy blends, there is something for everyone.
How to Possibly Repair a Cigar with a Hard Draw
It's a frustrating experience when you finally find the time to sit down and enjoy a cigar, and it has a tough draw.
Best 2022 CBD Hemp Brands at BnB Tobacco
Here at BnB Tobacco, we carry a vast selection of CBD & CBG Smokes, Hemp Rolling Papers, Wraps, Cones and Flowers from your favorite brands like Versa, Hazen, Cannadips, Chief Stix Hemp, Hempzilla, Hempzone, Green and Wild, Pure HempSmokes, Wild Hemp, and more!