Cigars are a celebratory indulgence. Some cigar manufacturers produce boxed cigars with special labels commemorating the brand's anniversary every year. In fact, there is no better way for a cigar company to market itself than by celebrating its brand by making an anniversary boxed cigar. The more times the company can use this marketing strategy, the more likely consumers will be to buy their cigars. So, we will cover why those anniversary boxed cigars are so important to cigar companies.
Cigar Companies Need to Stand Out
The cigar market is crowded. With all the choices, it's no wonder many cigar smokers fail to find the cigars they want to smoke. There is one way that some companies stand out from competitors, and that is by releasing an anniversary boxed cigar. The idea behind this is obvious - manufacturers can use the anniversary to tout a brand's history instead of coming up with a new blend every year and unveiling it at the IPCPR trade show.
Celebrating the Brand
What better way to show off a brand's history than to commemorate the anniversary of its creation? Consumers can celebrate the anniversary with a memorable smoke with a boxed cigar. But more importantly, it is a marketing tool that shows something special about that year's blend. Consumers might not be able to tell what is different about the blend, but they can feel confident in knowing that it was made by an expert who has been around for many years.
Many boxed cigars have special mark sheets included in their packaging. Cigar companies can market products and tout their longevity by marking the production date on these sheets. These company anniversary cigars will be special and unique, making them a must-have for that year.
Celebrating a brand's anniversary is an opportunity for companies to showcase their skills. Promoting the anniversary of a boxed cigar is an opportunity for companies to promote themselves and their brands. This marketing functionality influences consumer decisions, as people will be more likely to buy cigars made by brands that have been around for a long time.
Time Stamp
Time stamps indicate the date the cigar was made, which hints at its blend changes over time and shows how innovative the brand is. The more recent an anniversary cigar was made, the more likely it is to be a better product.
Flavor Profile
Some companies use the anniversary cigar to showcase a new and unique flavor profile. The anniversary cigar will have different ingredients and tobacco than the regular line of cigars the company makes - it's a way of saying, "here's something you've never seen from us before."
Achieve Brand Name Recognition
Anniversary boxed cigars are a great way to brand recognition. When people try the cigar, they associate the brand name with a certain flavor profile, making them want to purchase that same flavor profile in a future blend. This is another way anniversary cigars market cigar manufacturers' brands.
Single Batch or Limited Edition
Anniversary boxed cigars can be made in small batches, like the Tatuaje Black Label, or limited edition, like the Padró Anniversary. They do not represent the entire line of cigars; they are a one-time offering only available for that year.
Cigars are good things to celebrate. To commemorate special occasions, some cigar manufacturers make anniversary boxed cigars that give consumers a memorable smoke made by an expert who has been around for many years.
Consumers Notice These Specials
The fact that the special labels have a dating system allows consumers to track when this cigar was made. It's like a time stamp for the customer, as it shows how long ago this company has been in business and when this cigar was made. This is a great marketing tool that helps companies to promote themselves and their products.
Fashionable and Innovative
Celebrating a cigar company's anniversary is an opportunity for companies to showcase their skills. Promoting the anniversary of a boxed cigar is an opportunity for companies to promote themselves and their brands. This marketing functionality influences consumer decisions, as people will be more likely to buy cigars made by brands that have been around for a long time.