Style is something that one must possess and that’s where Corleone stands out as a reputable brand for pipes. Corleone has a history of delivering signature pipes that give you the right amount of smoke and aroma. They’ve always utilized signature wood to deliver the magnificent styles and colors that accentuate your lifestyle. They’ve a reputation of making their products quality and affordable. Corleone is manufactured by American businessman, Guillermo Rico. In fact, Guillermo is a third generation master blender. All of his products are crafted with his unique signature of love and passion for pipes, cigars, and tobacco. Only the finest ingredients are put into each of his products.
Corleone uses premiere craftsmanship that mimics your ambitions. The wood from Corleone is manufactured to feel good in your hands without an oily residue. The filter is designed to give you the right volume of smoke at the desired intervals that you require. They provide a variety of pipes and tobacco for any mood. Let your next pipe smoking experience be pleasurable and meet the demands of your busy lifestyle or business adventure. Set the mood. Choosing the right pipe from Corleone is completely up to the customer with a range of quality, handcrafted products to choose from.
-Corleone Rosewood Pipe
-The Black Dragon Corleone
-The Author Pipe
-The Stealth Pipe
-The Musician Pipe
-Java Mint Rubusto
-Flor de Las Antillas Toro Gordo