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Everything You Want to Know About Cigar Ash Trays

Everything You Want to Know About Cigar Ash Trays

For the cigar aficionado, every element of the smoking experience matters, from the choice of cigar to the way it’s lit, cut, and savored. Among these essentials lies the humble yet essential cigar ash tray. More than just a receptacle for ash, it’s a statement piece, a reflection of style, and a functional tool that elevates your cigar-smoking ritual. Whether you're a seasoned connoisseur or just starting your journey into the world of cigars, understanding the nuances of cigar ash trays can enrich your experience.

What is a Cigar Ash Tray and How is It Used?

A cigar ash tray is a specialized accessory designed to hold ashes and extinguish cigars. Unlike traditional ash trays, cigar ash trays are tailored specifically for cigars, featuring larger grooves to hold cigars securely and a deeper base to accommodate larger ash volumes. Some of the key features to know about are: 

  • Grooves or Rests: Designed to cradle cigars without rolling.
  • Depth: A deeper bowl to hold more ash and prevent overflow.
  • Heat Resistance: Made of materials that can withstand the heat of burning cigars.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Often crafted to reflect sophistication and style.

Using a cigar ash tray is straightforward: place your lit cigar in one of the designated grooves when not smoking, and gently tap the ash into the tray when needed. Its primary purpose is to keep your smoking area clean and organized, enhancing the overall experience.

The Complete History of Cigar Ash Trays

The origins of the cigar ash tray trace back to the advent of cigars themselves. As cigar culture grew in the 19th and 20th centuries, so did the demand for accessories that complemented the luxury of smoking.

Early Days

  • Pre-Industrial Era: Before ash trays became common, cigar smokers used improvised items like bowls or plates to hold ash.
  • Victorian Era: The rise of cigars in aristocratic circles led to the creation of ornate ash trays made of ceramic, porcelain, and silver.

Industrial Revolution

The late 19th century saw mass production of ash trays, with designs catering to both functionality and aesthetics. During this time:

  • Ash trays began to include dedicated grooves for cigars.
  • Materials like glass and metal became more common.

The Golden Age of Cigars

In the mid-20th century, cigar ash trays became a cultural icon. They adorned smoking lounges, gentlemen's clubs, and even corporate boardrooms. Companies also began branding ash trays as promotional items, blending utility with marketing.

Modern Innovations

Today, cigar ash trays are as diverse as the cigars they serve. They range from minimalist designs to intricate, custom-made pieces crafted from luxurious materials like marble and crystal.

Different Types, Materials, and Styles of Cigar Ash Trays and How They’re Made

Cigar ash trays come in a variety of types, materials, and styles to suit different preferences and settings.

Types of Cigar Ash Trays

  1. Single-Cigar Ash Trays: Compact designs for personal use.
  2. Multi-Cigar Ash Trays: Larger trays with multiple grooves for group settings.
  3. Travel Ash Trays: Portable and lightweight options for smokers on the go.
  4. Standing Ash Trays: Tall designs, often found in lounges or outdoor settings.


The material of an ash tray plays a significant role in its durability, heat resistance, and aesthetic appeal:

  • Glass: Elegant and easy to clean but prone to breaking.
  • Ceramic: Heat-resistant and available in intricate designs.
  • Metal: Durable and modern, often made of stainless steel or brass.
  • Wood: Provides a rustic appeal but requires careful treatment to avoid burn marks.
  • Stone: Marble and granite offer a luxurious and sturdy option.
  • Crystal: A premium choice for those seeking sophistication.


From traditional to avant-garde, cigar ash trays are available in countless styles:

  • Classic: Simple and functional with clean lines.
  • Artistic: Incorporating creative shapes, colors, and patterns.
  • Customized: Personalized designs featuring initials, logos, or motifs.

Manufacturing Process

The making of a cigar ash tray depends on its material:

  • Glass: Molded and polished for a smooth finish.
  • Ceramic: Handcrafted or machine-made, then glazed and fired in kilns.
  • Metal: Cast or forged, often with intricate detailing.
  • Stone: Carved and polished from solid slabs of marble, granite, or similar materials.

What to Look For in a Cigar Ash Tray

Choosing the right cigar ash tray involves more than picking a visually appealing design. Consider the following factors:

1. Type and Size

  • If you smoke alone, a single-cigar ash tray may suffice.
  • For social settings, opt for a larger tray with multiple grooves.

2. Material

  • Prioritize heat-resistant and durable materials like ceramic, stone, or metal.
  • For portability, lightweight materials like aluminum or silicone are ideal.

3. Purpose

  • Indoor Use: Focus on aesthetics and capacity.
  • Outdoor Use: Choose wind-resistant designs with heavier bases.

4. Creative Uses

  • Some cigar ash trays double as decor pieces or conversation starters.
  • Vintage ash trays can serve as collectible items or heirlooms.

5. Ease of Maintenance

  • Ensure the ash tray is easy to clean, especially if used frequently.

How to Care for Your Cigar Ash Tray

Proper care prolongs the life of your ash tray and maintains its appearance. Here are some tips:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Empty the ash tray after every use and clean it with warm, soapy water to remove residue.
  2. Avoid Abrasive Cleaners: Use non-abrasive cleaning agents to prevent scratches, especially on glass or ceramic trays.
  3. Protect Wooden Trays: Apply a protective coating or liner to avoid burn marks.
  4. Polish Metal Trays: Use a metal polish to restore shine and remove tarnish.
  5. Handle with Care: Prevent chips or cracks by handling delicate materials like crystal and glass with caution.

Do’s and Don’ts When Using a Cigar Ash Tray

Adopting proper etiquette and practices when using a cigar ash tray enhances your smoking experience.


  • Use the Grooves: Always place your cigar in the designated grooves to avoid tipping or rolling.
  • Tap, Don’t Flick: Gently tap the ash into the tray rather than flicking it to minimize mess.
  • Empty Regularly: Dispose of ashes frequently to maintain cleanliness.


  • Don’t Overfill: An overflowing ash tray can create unnecessary mess and odor.
  • Avoid Mixing: Refrain from using cigar ash trays for other smoking products like cigarettes.
  • Don’t Use Flammable Cleaners: Ensure cleaning agents are non-flammable to avoid accidents.

Elevating Your Cigar Experience with the Right Ash Tray

Overall, a cigar ash tray is more than a utilitarian accessory—it’s a reflection of your appreciation for the cigar-smoking tradition. Choosing the right tray, maintaining it with care, and using it properly can significantly enhance your smoking rituals. Whether you’re drawn to classic elegance, modern minimalism, or rugged outdoor durability, there’s a cigar ash tray to suit your style. By investing in a quality piece, you’re not just keeping your smoking space tidy; you’re elevating your entire cigar experience.

Smoke with sophistication, and let your ash tray be a testament to your passion.

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