What are the Benefits of Selecting Sun Grown Wrapper Premium Cigars?
There are different types of cigars that are available in the market. Most of them are actually those that are made from wrappers that are shade grown. This is often mostly due to the conditions that are unique, in the different areas around the globe where they are grown. However, there is also another type of cigars, that is specifically grown in very direct sunlight, rather than the shade. The latter type of cigar gives a whole different level of experience in terms of smoking. Of importance to take note of, is also the fact that all filler tobaccos are often sun grown. The fact that they are allowed to grow out in the sun results into leaves that are much darker, with a fuller flavor, in this specific type of cigar.
How Sun Grown Wrapper Premium Cigars are Made
Sun grown wrapper premium cigars are often grown to provide the very building blocks of each and every cigar. Once they have been harvested, each leaf is often then classified into three main categories of either binder, wrapper, or filler. These different classifications are mostly made with regards to the different layers that are used for the creation of a cigar.
- Filler tobacco is what is usually located at the central part of the cigar and is mostly responsible for the taste of the cigar.
- Binder tobacco on the other hand is what is normally used to wrap around the filler tobacco. What the binder tobacco does mostly is to hold the cigar together in place.
- Wrapper leaf is what's put as the most outermost part of the cigar - gives the cigar its feel and color.
Experience gotten from Sun Grown Wrapper Premium Cigars
Like it has been aforementioned, sun grown wrapper premium cigars are often made from leaves that have been exposed to direct sunlight. This direct exposure to the solar then ends up resulting into the leaves getting to be more and more resilient to the heat.
It is because of this, that the leaves of the sun grown cigars end up growing to be much thicker, and with more veins. Also translates directly to the taste and experience that is gotten from them. The dark wrapper leaf produces such a naturally full flavor and very natural sweetness. This is exactly why they are even more preferred in comparison to the shade grown type.
Benefits of Sun Grown Wrapper Premium Cigar
There are quite a number of benefits of this type of cigar. Below are some of these benefits, discussed into details.
#1: Much Slower Smoke
The leaves of the sun grown cigars that are grown in direct sunlight are often much thicker, in comparison to those that are grown under shade. Because of this, the sun grown wrappers that are able to allow for a much slower smoke before getting burnt out. They do not burn very quickly, hence one is able to get to enjoy the natural sweetness while savoring each and every puff. One can also be able to do all this without fearing premature burn out.
#2: Flavor is Much Sweeter, Darker, and Richer
What is loved most about the sun grown cigars is the appeal that is often brought about by their flavor. The entire process of allowing them to grow in the sunlight often allows for them to be able to develop a new flavor that is much richer and exquisite.
It therefore goes without much say, that the leaves will tend to become much richer and sweeter with a darker flavor that is far much more intense. Because of this, the end result flavor is generally so luxurious and has such a sophisticated taste.
#3: Compatibility
The sun grown premium wrappers are generally more compatible with quite a number of tobaccos. This is mostly because they are thicker. They can therefore get rolled up with different types of tobacco that may otherwise be difficult to roll in wrappers that are fragile and thinner.
What this means then is that the sun grown wrapper cigars are able to offer tobacco blends that are more exotic and unique. This goes a long way to help one enjoy their palate and also experience the excitement that comes with being able to try out something new.
#4: Highly Resilient
Sun grown wrapper cigars tend to be far much more resilient - mostly attributed to being grown in direct sunlight, making them tougher and thicker, with very big veins. This resilience is a plus to most smoking enthusiasts because these cigars can thus withstand a number of conditions. For instance, they are able to handle long exposures to direct sunlight, as well as fluctuations in humidity and temperature. Plus, they’re not prone to cracking, because they are simply stronger and thicker, and do not very easily, get dried out.
#5: Highly Enhanced Freshness
Finally, sun grown wrapper cigars tend to have the ability to withhold their freshness for prolonged periods of time. Why? Because the very process of having them grow out in the sun plays a very major role in making them age-tolerant. What this means therefore, is that you are able to get to still enjoy every puff out of a sun grown cigar that has been laying around for quite a long period of time. Adding onto this, the fact that this type of cigar does not dry out very easily makes it easy to store it. You do not have to store it in conditions that are ideal, for it to remain fresh for long periods of time.
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