Finding a good pack of cigars is a hard task, but finding cigars that’re under $40 is even harder. At BnB Tobacco, you could in fact find good quality cigar packs for under this price. Cigars like that can also be affordable to many people who enjoy their taste.
In order of quality and reviews, the below cigars are rated to be the Top 5 that you can purchase from us:
Casa Garcia Colossal Bundle
The Casa Garcia Colossal Bundle comes in either a pack of 10 for $29.99 or you can purchase them individually at $3.99 a cigar or a 5 pack for $14.99. The 10 pack bundle can save you $10.00.
Swisher Sweets Slims
Swisher Sweets are very well-known in the US for their mild and sweet taste along with its affordable price. A 10×5 pack of Swisher Sweets can be made available to a purchaser for the low price of $37.99. The flavor’s natural along with a size of 5 3/8 with a ring gauge of 36.
RP 1992 Vintage Juniors 5ct Tin
These cigars are a bit shorter in length and they’re referred to as small cigars. It has a length of 4 and a ring gauge of 38. The RP 1992 Vintage Juniors hold a mild strength and’s filled with Dominican and Nicaraguan tobacco for the price of $14.99.
Romeo y Julieta 3ct Golf Sampler
These cigars have a strength of medium and are packaged as a sampler pack. It has a length of 6 along with a ring gauge of 52 with a natural flavoring. The pack is priced at about $29.99 for purchasers at an affordable price.
Sparrow Full Flavor Little Cigars
Sparrow Little Cigars are in fact little cigars, which aren’t the average size of a full length cigar. The price on our site for them is affordable at $11.99 with a full strength and natural tobacco flavor.
There are other brands we carry that could arguably be on this list. At the end of the day, you the smoker, choose what cigar brand and price fits your needs.