There are many people who would argue that you could enjoy a good cigar at any time, but with summer just around the corner, it’s time to stock up on the best cigars for the season. Many people associate summer with relaxation and good times spent with great friends. That’s one of the reasons why we offer such a wide variety of cigars for just about any occasion, but the following are our top picks for this summer.
Cigar Pick #3: 100% Dominican Churchill
One of our best cigar brands we have and that are perfect for the summertime. These cigars are made of premium quality, mid-strength Dominican tobacco. They’re also affordable enough for the daily smoker. This particular line can be well-paired with a glass of wine and a relaxing summer night outdoors.
Cigar Pick #2: Alec Bradley Tempus Genesis
Alec Bradley cigars are considered to be one of the leading premium cigars on our website. While any of these are a safe bet for the summer, we specifically recommend this brand. The Tempus Blend by Alec Bradley is known for the uniqueness and quality of each cigar, so much so that Centuria was ranked 94 in Cigar Aficianado in 2008! These cigars never fail to impress! This cigar will be great for most occasions, but will be most appreciated on a nice relaxing night with friends.
Cigar Pick #1: Evermore Corona Grande
These machine rolled cigars are known mostly for their smooth smoke and rich flavor. The Evermore Corona Grande makes it onto our list simply because of the extremely smooth taste that’ll be appealing to just about any cigar aficionado. This mild strength cigar is great in just about any setting. You can enjoy it at the beach, on your porch, in the living room, or during a poker game with your buddies.
There are many factors that go into choosing the best cigar for the occasion, ranging from size, body and flavor, to personal tastes and preferences. While there are a lot more cigars that undoubtedly deserve to be ranked among the best to have this summer, these are the ones that we have found to pair best with the summer season.
So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and grab your favorite cigar and let summer begin on a great note from BnB Tobacco.