The Complete Power of a Cigar Lighter
Cigar Articles cigar lighter cigarettes cigars smoking tobacco varieties
It has often been quoted that a wooden match is the best way to light a cigar. Probably this was true in the good old days, but with so many stylish and fashionable cigar lighters flooding the market, sticking to past fashions can be well, unfashionable. And with so many choices available, it could be difficult to choose. Still, you’ll need to determine which type of lighter might be best for your needs.
At BnB Tobacco, we’ve different styles, from triple torch lighters and table top lighters to butane and regular tobacco lighters, along with different brands such as the Alec Bradley Triple Torch Lighter, the Jet Line Tornado Lighter, and the Xikar Escalade Lighter. We carry a wide selection to suit all tastes and preferences.
Now that you know what we have, the next question you might be asking yourself is this. “Why would it be a better idea to use a cigar lighter to light a cigar in the first place?” Let us dwell in little bit of technicalities to find out why this is the absolute better idea. For starters, a cigar’s different from a cigarette in more than just the outside appearance.
You don’t have to cut a cigarette. It’s only a cigar that you cut, and therefore, manufacturers of cigar lighters tend to build a cigar cutter with a cigar lighter. It’s a matter of convenience.
Next, it takes time to light a cigar. A wooden match stick won’t last long enough, and then you have to light a second one to accomplish the task. This is because a cigar’s manufactured with moist tobacco compared to the dry tobacco in a cigarette. This can be frustrating because the sulfur tip of the match stick would burn off very quickly. Added to this fact is that some may find the odor of the burning sulfur a little distasteful.
It’s also a little dangerous to use a cigarette lighter to light a cigar. Cigars take a little more time to light up than a cigarette. This is the reason why a cigar lighter has a broader flame. Sulfur in a wooden match stick may change or affect the taste of your cigar. Burning odorless butane doesn’t have any effect on the taste of the cigar.
Another difference between a cigarette lighter and a cigar lighter is the filtering factor. There has been a lot of development from the first Döbereiner’s lamp lighter to the latest cigar lighter, technically. Manufactures have put in a lot of their time, money and effort to make a cigar lighter convenient, healthy and safer to use.
We’ve different varieties of cigars, whereas cigarettes mostly remain the same shape and length. We’ve thin cigars as well as thicker ones, and therefore the requirement of a different type of cigar lighter also arises.
A torch cigar lighter’s the best choice if you’re lighting a cigar outdoors, as they’re designed to be wind resistant. They can also be used indoors safely.
A double or triple flame cigar lighter will help you light your cigar quicker, but you’ll need to know that they consume fuel faster and that’ll make you run to fill up the lighter again. As a matter of convenience, you can opt out for a cigar lighter with a window that shows the residual fuel or one with a fuel indicator. That saves you from the frustration of discovering that your cigar lighter’s empty when you want to light up a cigar.
We hope this gives you better insight on how cigar lighters are designed with a specific purpose, keeping in mind all the different scenarios and requirements. Safety and convenience are the most important parameters to look for when buying one. It’s always better to use a specially designed cigar lighter to light up a cigar rather than anything else.
At the end of the day, your smoke won’t be much of a smoke unless you can get it lit, so having a good lighter on hand is important!
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