News — java cigars
Java Cigars From BnB Tobacco
Cigar Reviews java cigars Rocky Patel stogies
Java by Drew Estate for Rocky Patel cigars are unique and refined. The sweet and aromatic coffee scents make this an incredible treat for special occasions or for the devout coffee and cigar enthusiast. These cigars are reasonably affordable for the daily smoker; however, their uniqueness lends to the image of its being more of a leisure pursuit. This cigar is best when relaxing in the summertime afternoon during a BBQ or for social functions with friends. The wrappings for these cigars are infused with java and mocha. The end is sugarcoated to make your first puff sweet and...
Taste the Rainbow: A Guide To Flavored Cigars
Cigar Articles flavored cigars infused cigars java cigars makers mark cigars tatiana cigars
As recently as a decade ago, finding premium flavored cigars was a difficult challenge. Until brands like Acid, CAO Flavors, Java, Maker’s Mark, Tatiana, and more came along, flavored cigars were the machine-made gas station stogies you may have tried when you were just getting into the hobby. That means if you were smoking a flavored cigar, you were likely smoking something with leftover scrap fillers and a homogenized wrapper, low quality flavoring, and ultimately a product that is designed to be inexpensive rather than high quality. As such, many cigar enthusiasts who have been smoking for years scoff...