Saint Luis Rey is a Honduras based brand which distributes through Altadis. These cigars are all hand crafted and include a blend of tobacco from Honduras, Nicaragua and Peru. The Saint Luis Rey Toro has a Nicaraguan wrapper and binder and a filler with the same combination of tobacco. This is a full strength cigar measuring 6×50. Even though it’s full strength though, it isn’t at all overpowering. It’s just right.
The wrapper has a dark, rugged appearance and there is a slight spring to the cigar. This isn’t to say it isn’t firmly packed though. The construction is strong, and there aren’t any real soft spots. The cigar lights easily, and has a great draw from start to finish. The burn is even as well, and the ash forms a long and solid cylinder before falling off.
This cigar is mostly earthy in nature, a scent you can detect even before you light it. Once you do light up, you can enjoy the hidden subtleties that the Saint Luis Rey Toro possesses. There is something woody here, perhaps oak, and also aromas and flavors of coffee, cocoa, and some leather as well. The earthiness dominates the foreground during the entire smoke, but the blend of other notes adds complexity and variation. Even though this is a full bodied cigar, it isn’t so strong that connoisseurs of medium bodied cigars wouldn’t enjoy it. This cigar would probably appeal to a wide breadth of smokers with differing tastes.
The Saint Luis Rey Toro carries an excellent price tag at under $3.00. You might think that quality at that price would be suspect, but in this case, the Saint Luis Rey is both surprising and satisfactory. While you could certainly pay a lot more money for a great smoke, this cigar offers the same great experience as many others at a fraction of the cost. .