Rocky Patel Cigars have been a trusted brand of cigar for the last two decades. Owner Rocky Patel’s dedication to the production of these high quality stogies has earned the brand numerous 90+ ratings from Cigar Aficionado magazine. He’s greatly respected and admired in the cigar-making industry.
Mr. Patel was an attorney in the entertainment industry who rubbed shoulders with many Hollywood actors. His passion for cigars began when he was introduced to them in the mid-1990s. Presented with a unique business opportunity, he sold his practice and spent the next five years in Honduras learning everything about cigar making from start to finish.
He began a cigar manufacturing company with the Indian Tabac brand. Appealing packaging, fuller cigars, and innovative marketing concepts were used to promote his product. As other cigar makers came and went, Rocky’s cigars increased in popularity and sales. In 2003 he changed the name of his brand to his own name and began producing the Rocky Patel Vintage Series. This series was made with old broad leaf and Ecuador Sumatra tobacco that achieved better cigars. By focusing on quality instead of quantity and decreasing production in half to make the perfect cigar, this item proved to be a hit with customers.
Mr. Patel’s very much a people person. In addition to his duties and responsibilities in the office, he also travels the world to meet and greet customers and shop owners to listen to their wants, needs and expectations. For approximately 300 days each year, he shares his enthusiasm and passion for cigars with others.
His rich and aromatic cigars are made from various blends gathered from different locations worldwide. They’re produced in Honduras and Ecuador in mild, medium and full-flavored selections like coffee and chocolate, fruits and plants, and herbs and spices. Each cigar’s thoroughly inspected and draw tested. There are also strict production guidelines in regards to color and blemishes or veins. It’s not uncommon for his blends to be perfected after years of testing before being introduced to the public.
Rocky Patel Cigars are reasonably priced and available in more than 30 blends. His hard work and dedication has resulted in a premium product that has outlasted his competition. A business that started out making 150,000 cigars per year has evolved into currently producing 16 million per year. He constantly strives to develop a better cigar to please his ever-growing following.