The Perdomo Habano Corojo Torpedo is a Nicaraguan Puro produced by the renowned Perdomo cigar brand and featuring tobacco grown out of Cuban seed (thus the “Habano” name, despite not being grown in Cuba).
Perdomo’s longstanding tradition of excellence dates back to 1930 when founder Silvio Perdomo first began the art of cigar making. The Perdomo family continued perfecting their cigar trade in spite of political persecution and eventually moved to America where they’ve built upon their tradition ever since to bring us great cigars like the Perdomo Habano Corojo Torpedo.
The Perdomo Habano Corojo Torpedo measures 6 1/2 x 54 and comes in a smooth Nicaraguan wrapper with a nice, even sheen. It’s well packed with tobacco grown in three different regions of Nicaragua, Esteli, Condega, and the Jalapa Valley, and it has no soft spots. The draw is easy but agreeable, the burn sometimes uneven but generally not shabby. The ash does tend to flake a bit. This cigar lasts impressively long though; the duration of a single smoke can reach two full hours, during which a delicious, bold array of flavors and aromas emerge: The Perdomo Habano Corojo starts out spicy and peppery but develops a chocolaty mocha flavor which assumes the foreground. The smoke is creamy and smooth, with a sweetness reminiscent of molasses or caramel. domain archive The last stage is packed with nicotine, heavy and earthy but still retaining the cocoa smoothness.
The Perdomo Habano Corojo Torpedo is a heavy, dark scented cigar with a very rich palette of sweet flavors brought about by its three-fold Nicaraguan puro blend. Priced around $6-8, it’s important to remember to set aside adequate time to let the experience unfold. Both the sweet flavors and the two-hour duration make this a great dessert cigar to enjoy while relaxing alone or with friends.