The well known and respected Oliva Cigar Company thought up a pretty creative and innovative cigar idea that just started out as a theory. The idea to capture the core of cigar’s flavor immediately upon lighting the cigar was once just a theory. This theory was born in one of the Oliva factories by Sam Leccia, who was one of the cigar makers.
The Concept
The thought behind the Nub Cigars concept was why have a smoker wait until they smoke 3 or 4 inches into their cigar to its sweet spot. This means that the smoker must invest a decent amount of time with their cigar before actually getting rewarded by its true nature. By designing a cigar that is short and stout in nature, this cigar’s shape was created to deliver the cigar’s sweet spot flavor upon lighting and to continue this flavor for the duration of the smoke.
What’s amazing about these cigars is that Oliva managed to pack as much tobacco found in a typical Churchill or Presidente cigar in just four inches. What started out as an unreal and unexpected idea has managed to actually work very well. If you are questioning if they actually smoke as long as a Churchill, you will be happy to know that they do.
One interesting thing to note is that it took Oliva three years to perfect the design of the cigar to a point where they were satisfied. They knew that most cigar smokers would be hesitant to try a cigar that only measures four inches in length, especially since most smokers are used to smoking something that is more than double its size.
Nub Cigars come in three different blends. The blends are known as Cameroon, Connecticut, and Habano. Each one of these blends has been received very well by various publications. Before they were even released, Sam Leccia created a huge media buzz for them.
If you want to see what all the fuzz is about yourself, you need to get your hands on them. The Habano is the wrapper of choice for Cuban cigar makers, and this cigar has a robust and full-bodied flavor. This cigar received a 91 rating by Cigar Snob. The Connecticut wrapper is notorious for its mild flavor, with its seed coming from Ecuador. This cigar also offers a surprisingly complex and velvety taste. Finally, the Cameroon wrapper, which is grown in Cameroon, provides a medium-bodied smoke that features rich cedar and coffee notes.
A Final Note
With the quality coming from the Oliva name, these cigars are sure to impress and surprise even the biggest skeptics once you have one in your hand and see it for yourself.