The Joya de Nicaragua Antaño Machito is a cigar created by the famous Joya de Nicaragua, S.A. brand in Esteli. The company was founded in 1968 and has the historical distinction of being the very first cigar factory to operate in Nicaragua. Today the company exports cigars to dedicated patrons in more than 20 countries.
The Joya de Nicaragua Antaño Machito measures 4 3/4 x 42 and is geared toward experienced smokers who enjoy something strong. Hand made from Havana Criollo seed, the wrapper, binder and filler are all Nicaraguan. This cigar has become a best seller in America, especially among fans of Nicaraguan puros.
The wrapper is shiny and rough featuring some small veins. It lights without any hassle and burns evenly from beginning to end. The Antaño Machito has a very good draw and packs a strong punch, perhaps more than some smokers expect. The taste and aroma is strong, spicy cedar with some leather notes mixed in. Fans of this cigar cite not only its impressive construction, but also its potency. You can get a serious buzz from this cigar; it burns slowly and lasts a long time, and it starts out robust right off the top.
You can purchase the Joya de Nicaragua Antaño Machito for under $4.00. The small price and relatively small size of the cigar shouldn’t fool you though; this cigar is quite strong, and probably not best for a beginning cigar smoker. For experienced smokers and fans of strong, dark cigars though, this one is a winner. The Joya de Nicaragua Antaño Machito goes great with a cup of black coffee or a good cognac. Remember to set aside some time to enjoy it, and get ready for an intense but marvelous experience.