Casa Garcia Cigars are some of the most well-known cigars on the market. These cigars are 100% authentic and made in the Dominican Republic. They have a smooth mild flavor with a hint of natural sweetness.
The flavor of Casa Garcia cigars stays constant throughout the smoke. These cigars are sweet, light on the spices, and great for a light smoke anytime of the day. Once you try Casa Garcia cigars, you will have a new favorite cigar.
A pleasant aroma follows these cigars. The scent is fragrant without being overbearing. With Casa Garcia cigars, you get the best cigar for the right price. They do not compromise on quality and are affordable on any budget. Whether you are a daily or occasional smoker, these cigars will please your palate.
So what are you waiting for? Get your hands on a Casa de Garcia cigar at BnB Tobacco and you shall be well-pleased every time you light one up. No matter where you are, out in the yard, on the Par 9 at the golf course, or simply relaxing with your buddies, these Dominican handmade cigars are an economical, satisfying alternative any time.