Most seasoned cigar smokers remember the 90s "cigar boom", as this was a time filled with all sorts of unique cigars from around the world. However, one brand really stood out at that time, and even before then really. Hence, seeing many changes throughout the decades.
Their Rich History
Almost 60 years ago, Don Tomas was born. This company began masterfully crafting by hand, an old world tradition from the most select tobacco leaves located in Centro American Cigars, S.A. cigar factory in Danli, Honduras.
During the 90s boom, however, these tobaccos became scarce. Not only that, but due to the shortage, the cost of their stogies went up. It wasn't until the mid-2000s Don Tomas could turn back to these quality tobaccos.
Under General Cigar, the Don Tomas blend was reworked in 2005. This was in an attempt to get back to the company’s roots as a no-nonsense, hearty cigar choice for a fair price. Removing blended tobaccos from all over the world, the reworked blend is now back to the original Honduran and Nicaraguan tobaccos that put this manufacturer front and center in our industry.
Present Day
Today, under the counsel of Villazon's renowned cigar master, Estelo Padron, Don Tomas returns to its classic Honduran roots with new blends that once again use the rich, full-flavored Honduran and Nicaraguan tobaccos that made them who they are and why we love this brand so much. It goes to show you just how much heritage this pristine brand brings.
Six Decades Later and Still Going Strong!
Don Tomas embodies the time-honored tradition of Honduran cigar making. These well-made cigars are very affordable and have a draw and burn that teeters on the edge of perfection. This classic, full-flavored Honduran cigar is medium-bodied with incredible aromas of sweet spice. Every cigar offers a rich blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran tobacco fillers, well blended to provide a creamy, smooth, toasted pine flavor.
Also, these high quality cigars, including the 90-rated Don Tomas Presidente, have earned Don Tomas the reputation as one of the finest cigars in the world today.
Don Tomas cigar wrappers conveniently come in your choice of U.S. Connecticut Maduro and Honduran Havana-seed Natural. The Maduro wrapper offers a sweeter taste that is more robust.
This lightly and consistently veined cigar has a medium amount of firmness. These cigars are the ideal indulgence for the smoker who seeks a rich taste at an affordable price.
A perfect draw and burn due to the dedication to craftsmanship of this premium cigar, get ready to experience a rich and flavorful Honduran stogie during each and every cigar smoking session.