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High Hemp Fuzzy Peach Wraps

Product Packaging Stock MSRP Price Qty Cart

Fuzzy Peach

25 Packs of 2
25 Packs of 2
In Stock
$19.99 Save 42%
+ -

Fuzzy Peach

2 Pack
2 Pack
In Stock
$1.50 Save 87%
+ -

High Hemp Organic Fuzzy Peach Wraps are made using only natural flavors, you'll instantly smell and taste the difference. High Hemp Organic Wraps is certified organic, tobacco free, and GMO free, giving their paper some of the highest purity ratings in the market today!  2 Wraps & 2 Tips Per Pouch.

Brand: High Hemp
Flavor: Peach
Packaging: 2 Pack
Type: Wraps
