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Buddies Octagonal Bump Box Cone Filler

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1 1/4 Size

In Stock
$149.99 Save 5%
+ -

King Size

On Order
$149.99 Save 5%
+ -
Save yourself some time and fill up your pre-rolled cones with your favorite legal smoking herbs quickly and easily with the Buddies Octagonal Bump Box Cone Filler! Each beautifully designed wooden box has seventy-six cone-shaped holes crafted with precision for the best results in just minutes. The Buddies Octagonal Bump Box 76 Filler comes with four packing sticks and a scoop card and will soon be one of your favorite cone filling tools! Choose to fill 76 1 1/4, 98 Special, or King Size Cones with this heavy duty Bump Box!

Type: Handheld Injector Injectors
Flavor: Non Flavored
