Pipe Tobacco Tins
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Eileen's Dream Pipe Tobacco

Peterson Nightcap Pipe Tobacco

Peterson Early Morning Pipe Tobacco

Ashton Artisan's Blend Pipe Tobacco

Davidoff Flake Medallions Pipe Tobacco

Cornell & Diehl Autumn Evening Premium Pipe Tobacco

CAO Bella Vanilla Pipe Tobacco

Erinmore Flake Pipe Tobacco

Ashton Guilty Pleasure Pipe Tobacco

Peterson Sweet Killarney Pipe Tobacco

Ashton Consummate Gentlemen Pipe Tobacco

CAO Moontrance Pipe Tobacco

Davidoff English Mixture Pipe Tobacco

CAO Cherrybomb Pipe Tobacco

Erinmore Mixture Pipe Tobacco

Peterson My Mixture 965 Pipe Tobacco

Davidoff Danish Mixture Pipe Tobacco

Orlik Golden Sliced Pipe Tobacco

Davidoff Scottish Mixture Pipe Tobacco

Ashton Rainy Day Pipe Tobacco

Ashton Smooth Sailing Pipe Tobacco

Peterson Sherlock Holmes Pipe Tobacco

Seattle Pipe Club Plum Pudding Pipe Tobacco

Peterson Irish Whiskey Pipe Tobacco
In a world full of disposable plastics and packaging, pipe tobacco tins are one of the few items left on the market designed to last a lifetime. With a history that dates back centuries, these tins are affordable, convenient, and save your pockets from filling up with tobacco strands and loose filters.
Our selection of tinned pipe tobacco includes the top brands in the industry, like Captain Black, Cornell & Diehl, CAO, Ashton, Mac Baren, Peterson, and more! With over two hundred and thirty options to choose from, we offer full, medium, medium-full, mild, and medium-mild strengths. Whether you like your tobacco sweet or nutty, our variety of flavors, including vanilla, cherry, natural, chocolate, whiskey, caramel, and more, can satisfy any craving. The compact nature of the tins allows you to keep all of your essentials in one handy place. We carry tins from 1.5 ounces all the way up to 1-pound boxes. Many brands offer a variety of packaging, so selecting the perfect size option has never been easier.
For an incredibly flavorful and smooth smoke without a bite, check out Orlik Golden Sliced. It’s a mild-medium Virginia Perique tobacco whose blend offers a pure tobacco taste with a hint of sweetness. The brown sugar, fresh hay, and spiced sweetness of this blend can be enjoyed fresh or aged at an affordable price. Mac Baren’s Vanilla Cream Flake is a great mild all-day smoke with little complexity and a subtle sweet taste of fine vanilla. Like Orlik Golden Sliced, it has no bite or harshness, and its pleasant room note makes it the perfect smoke for social gatherings. Escudo Navy De Luxe pipe tobacco tins are some of the most highly rated products in our selection if you're looking for more of an earthy flavor with less sweetness. With hints of tangy dark fruit, wood, plum, spice, and fig, this blend combines full-bodied Virginia blended with Perique from Louisiana. The tin holds small medallions of the blend that can be rolled and packed into the pipe or rubbed out. Along with many other fine brands, Escudo is a standard that everyone should try.
Finding the perfect pipe tobacco tins can be overwhelming when there are so many quality options. Narrow your search with our convenient filters on the left and explore hundreds of affordable possibilities. If you have any questions about our products, please call us, and we will be glad to assist you!
Frequently Asked Questions
What are pipe tobacco tins, and how are they different from other packaging options?
Pipe tobacco tins hold small medallions of a tobacco blend that can either be hand-rolled or packed into a pipe.
In regards to tins versus pouches and other containers, there is little difference between the two. Pouches generally have an adhesive that makes them resealable, while tins do not. Most batches are created simultaneously, with the manufacturer packaging some of their blends in pipe tobacco tins or pouches.
What are the advantages of storing pipe tobacco in tins?
Many manufacturers choose tins for storing their tobacco as they can be vacuum-sealed, meaning they do not release any moisture until the seal is broken. In regards to storage, it can be much easier to store and keep a tin fresh than a pouch.
How long can pipe tobacco remain fresh in a sealed tin?
If the tinned pipe tobacco remains vacuum sealed, it will stay fresh for at least two years.