Full Bodied Cigars Products
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Here at BnB Tobacco, we proudly offer a large selection of full-bodied cigars from the top brands on the market. You no longer have to waste time searching for the right cigars because we took the time to gather them all in one place for your convenience. We have hundreds of products from dozens of your favorite brands, so start browsing today. We guarantee you’ll find the best full-bodied hand-rolled cigars at the most affordable prices!
Our extensive collection of full-bodied cigars features all of the highest-rated brands, including Acid, Alec Bradley, Arturo Fuente, Camacho, Kristoff, Liga Undercrown, Nub, Oliva, Perdomo, Rocky Patel, and many more. If expertise is what you seek, we recommend you check out Alec Bradley. They’re currently one of the leading cigar brands in the world, and for good reason. They have tons of cigars to choose from, including their Black Market cigars. These feature a medium-bodied smoke that offers a luxurious experience in a creamy, smooth draw. With spicy overlays and a sugary finish, these cigars are truly one-of-a-kind.
If you’re looking to switch things up, try out some unique flavors from Camacho. Camacho has been rolling cigars in the Jamastran Valley in Honduras since the beginning of the twentieth century. The area is well-known for its rich, hearty tobacco grown from Cuban seeds. The Camacho Ecuador cigars are also medium-bodied, but they feature hints of citrus, pepper, and floral. Kristoff Cigars is a boutique cigar brand that’s been around since 2004. They use the highest-quality fermented tobaccos and expertly blend and roll them for the ultimate smoking experience. Their GC Signature series feature enticing notes of apricot, espresso, and chocolate, so they’re a great option for experienced cigar smokers. There are so many brands to choose from, so no matter what you’re looking for, we’re confident that you’ll find what you need in our collection.
These authentic full-bodied hand-rolled cigars originate from countries such as Honduras, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, and the United States. Choose from the entire range of strength options, including full, medium, medium-full, mild, and medium mild. Our full-bodied cigars are available in multiple shapes, such as Churchill, Corona, Figurado, Gordo, Belicoso, Robusto, and Toro, to name a few. The options are endless, so start shopping today!
We value every one of our customers, so we strive to provide exceptional customer service any chance we get. When you shop with us, you can rest assured knowing you’re always getting the finest products at the best prices. Have questions? Give us a call at 1-888-883-5596, or send us a message through our convenient live chat feature. We love hearing from our customers!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a full-bodied cigar?
Body and strength can often be confused when describing cigars. Cigar strength refers to the amount of nicotine in a cigar, while body refers to the density of its smoke and how it resonates on the palate.
Think of wine when it comes to the body of a cigar. Certain wines have a flavor that lingers on your taste buds longer with more vibrancy, and full-bodied cigars are bold and intense, with notes of flavors such as hickory, spices, or leather that dwell on the palate from beginning to end.
What is the difference between mild, medium, and full-flavored cigars?
Full-bodied cigars have a bold, intense flavor and smoke. Mild-bodied cigars tend to have more delicate flavors, notes, and smoke, while medium-bodied sits between full and mild.
How can you tell if a cigar is full-bodied?
Most cigar brands will indicate a cigar is full-bodied in the description of their cigars, on the band, or by the name—such as Padron Maduro's Robusto. However, not all brands do.
The best means to tell if a cigar is full-bodied is to ensure you are purchasing from a qualified tobacconist who can properly organize and present a collection of full-bodied hand-rolled cigars, such as here on this webpage, or by sampling the cigar yourself.
Full-bodied cigars will impact your palate and nose through the touch and taste receptors. A full-bodied cigar will feel heavy in the mouth and nose with a full flavor that can be described as intense, bright, pronounced, or focused.