Flavored Cigar Products
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Flavored cigars are a unique, flavorful, and popular tobacco product that has gained a significant following among cigar enthusiasts and casuals alike. What makes these cigars distinct from the traditional are their infused flavors, ranging from fruity and sweet to spicy and exotic.
Flavored cigars come in various sizes, shapes, and flavors to perfectly cater to differing tastes. Our collection features fourteen shapes, lengths, ring gauges, and more. You can easily browse and narrow down the cigars you seek by using our convenient filters on the left-hand side of this webpage—filter by sizes, flavors, and brands for the perfect flavored cigar that works for you.
The process of flavoring cigars ranges from tobacco preparation styles to bringing out natural flavors or essential oils and natural flavorings. The flavoring process often happens during tobacco aging, ensuring a flawless infusion of taste and aroma. You’ll find that one of our most popular choices for flavored cigars is the ‘cigarillo.’ Cigarillos are a smaller, more convenient version of the traditional cigar that might be the ideal choice for those who wish to enjoy the aroma and mouth-feel of a cigar within a shorter time frame.
Like larger cigars, flavored cigars are meant to be savored and tasted. It’s important to note that, like all tobacco products, flavored cigars can carry a health risk when inhaled. Always enjoy deliciously flavored cigars with a responsible and informed approach!
At Bnb, we strive to bring our customers the warm, inviting experience of a mom-and-pop shop with a wider and more extensive inventory. We work hard to ensure our collections of tobacco products and flavored cigars are some of the world’s best and highest quality online. Before you add your favorite flavored cigar to your cart, why not sign up for a free BnB membership?
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Would you love to know more about our flavored cigars or any of our products? Please feel free to reach out to our excellent customer service representatives. It would be our pleasure to help.
Frequently Asked Questions
Traditional cigars rely on the natural flavoring of different tobacco leaves being processed in various ways to bring out flavor and aroma. With flavored cigars, usually during the tobacco drying, add raw, essential oils and other flavors to add sweet, savory, and exotic tastes to the cigar.
Yes! Just like certain tobacco plants can impart flavor, so too can the wrappers of flavored cigars. Different cigar wrapper types are shaped by the environment the leaf is harvested from and the curing and fermentation methods, giving each flavored cigar wrapper its unique character, color, and flavor.
You can pair your favorite flavored cigars with your favorite drinks or food. For example, if you adore drinking strong coffee, you may want to opt for a spicier flavored cigar so it won’t overpower your coffee.