Dutch Master Cigar Products
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Don’t be fooled by the name: Dutch Master’s cigars are an American brand of natural-wrapped, machine-made cigars selling excellent tobacco products since 1911. With outstanding quality and unique Dutch Master’s flavors, this cigar brand has become one of the most recognizable across the country.
Their artistic packaging is undeniable, as they have used their brand’s art for over a century—utilizing the famous Rembrandt painting called “De Staalmeesters,” or “The Sampling Officials,” created in 1662. Initially developed by the G.H. Johnson Cigar Company in 1911, it merged with Consolidated Cigar Corporation in 1921.
From the very beginning, Dutch Masters cigars were machine-made cigars, and natural-wrapped Dutch Master cigars have never utilized cigar filters. Dutch Master cigars, throughout their century of existence, have continuously maintained the same high-quality flavor and experience since their inception.
Dutch Masters cigars have been dubbed a legend in the world of cigars, combining consistency, exceptional flavor, and tobacco and providing the same smoking experience at affordable prices as some of the more expensive cigars on the market today. Crafted to burn slow and smooth, Dutch Master’s has always set itself apart from other short-fill cigars. Even though these are machine-made, they do not affect the meticulously blended Cuban seed tobaccos with natural leaf wrappers.
Mild, with fruit or chocolate notes and flavors, on this page, you’ll find the most beloved selections of the finest Dutch Masters cigars. Enjoy The Dutch Master Presidente cigars with seamless wrapping, consistent burn, mild yet full-bodied, aromatic with a natural sweetness and leathery undertones. If you’re seeking a bouquet of sweet scents such as vanilla and maple syrup, you may love The Dutch Master’s Palma cigars or The Dutch Master’s Honey Sports.
Whichever Dutch Masters Cigars you choose, shop in confidence that BnB Tobacco provides exceptional cigars, tobacco, and tobacco alternatives for all of your smoking needs. Would you like to ask us more about our Dutch Masters cigars or any of our products? Reach out anytime; our customer service team would love to assist you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where are Dutch Masters cigars made?
Dutch Master Cigars are created in Puerto Rico and contain Caribbean tobacco blends.
How do you properly store Dutch Masters cigars?
The optimal conditions for storing cigars are 70% humidity and 70 degrees F within a humidor. However, if you do not have a humidor, you can store your cigars in a plastic bag, keeping them away from sunlight in a cool place. Additionally, you can add a humid pack to keep the moisture at the correct levels.
Do Dutch Masters cigars need to be cut before smoking?
It’s generally best to cut the head (the end of the cigar that goes into the mouth) before smoking.