Spring is in the Air Here at Bnb Tobacco: Best 2024 Cigars for the Springtime Season!
We have some nice springtime cigar recommendations that new users and experienced aficionados alike are sure to enjoy, as each is in-stock on our website.
What is the Relationship Between Cigars and Boxing?
The relationship between cigars and boxing might not be immediately apparent since they belong to vastly different domains—one is a luxury item often associated with relaxation and status, while the other is a sport characterized by physical exertion and competition.
A Brief History of Fratello Cigar Company
Fratello Cigars, founded by Omar de Frias in 2013, has become a notable name in the premium cigar industry, known for its high-quality products and innovative blends.
Your 2024 Guide to Filtered Cigars
Filtered cigars are small cigars that come with a filter, similar to cigarettes, and are designed for smoking. They are made with fermented tobacco and are available in various flavors and sizes. Filtered cigars, in essence, represent a niche but significant part of the tobacco industry, reflecting broader trends in smoking habits. That’s why today, we will be sharing with you a comprehensive overview of filtered cigars, covering their history, types, manufacturing process, and more.
Why Do People Smoke Tobacco Pipes on St. Patrick's Day?
Smoking tobacco pipes on St. Patrick's Day is a tradition that’s part of the broader celebration of Irish culture and heritage. To offer an in-depth look at why people smoke tobacco pipes on St. Patrick's Day, it's essential to delve into the historical, cultural, and social aspects of this tradition.