Top 3 Full Flavor/Red Little Cigars
Little cigars deliver some of the most flavorful tobacco hits that you'll ever experience. These small cigars explode with intoxicating flavor profiles that captivate your senses without overwhelming your taste buds.
Touching-up and Re-Lighting Your Cigar
Touching up and relighting may seem to be completely synonymous but they’re not exactly the same thing. “Touching up” a cigar generally refers to very selective lighting of a particular section of a cigar. You’ll generally want to touch up your cigar when one side begins to burn more quickly than another which leads to crooked burns. This may seem inconsequential at first but if you let it keep burning crookedly the cigar’s integrity will eventually be compromised and it’ll likely ash all over you. That’s a situation every smoker wants to avoid. Crooked burning occurs most commonly with...
How Can You Tell If a Humidor Isn’t Working Properly?
Overview The popularity of cigars is something that has continued to increase every year. In many parts of the work, it is socially acceptable to always be smoking a cigar. There are a wide range of qualities with a cigar that people can buy. However, it is also important to keep the cigar at the [...]
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Good Times Cigarillos | Discounted Machine Made Cigars
Good Times a top-secret blend of exotic, diverse tobaccos that are premium grade and deliver a scrumptious flavor. These cigars are machine-rolled into a small shape that you can purchase in an economical box of 60 small cigars. They also come in 20 packs of five cigars. When smoking this mild-flavored cigar, you can expect [...]
The post Good Times Cigarillos | Discounted Machine Made Cigars appeared first on BnB Tobacco Blog.
The Fundamentals to Cigar Rolling
From an outward appearance, a cigar looks quite simplistic; a cigar with tobacco stuffed inside. But if one were to take a closer look, and see what it actually takes to roll a cigar, they would file rolling cigars under the “easier said than done” category. Although it’s not easy, that doesn’t necessarily make it [...]
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