How Short Can You Go?
One of the most controversial notions in the cigar-smoking world is that you should put out a cigar when you've smoked it halfway.
Keeping Your Cigar Accessories Organized
If you're going to become a serious collector of both cigars and accessories, it's crucial that you develop some organization skills.
About Aging Room M356 Small Batch Cigars
Aging Room cigars are manufactured in small batches and created with an intricate blend of rare tobaccos, from the Dominican Republic. These are then finished with an aged wrapper. Created by premier cigar-craftsmen, Rafael Nodal and Jochi Blanco, these cigars are unique to the profile Dominican cigars and tobaccos. While each batch boasts an individual mix of tobaccos, the product line is known for its suave and spicy flavor. The M356 blend is a medium-full blend made with fillers and binders from the Dominican Republic and wrapped in a Habano shade wrapper. The rare and limited tobaccos of this Small...
Remembering to Calibrate Your Hygrometer!
If you're going to be a serious cigar collector, you need to know how to properly care for your stogies while you store them away for later use. If you keep your cigars in a humidor, your hygrometer must be properly calibrated on a fairly regular basis.