What is Cigar Color Grading?
cigars color grading stogies wrapper
Color-grading is relatively superficial compared to the other tasks that cigar workers are given, but it’s a timeless tradition that makes a difference, nonetheless.
Smoking a Cigar Like Tony Soprano
Have you been rewatching The Sopranos now that the show has resurged in popularity? If you’ve picked up a cigar habit since the show has been off the air, you’re probably only now just realizing how much Tony’s smoking hobby was prevalent throughout the many seasons. And, you’ve likely noticed that Tony had a way of making smoking look effortless, cool and, well, fun. Wanna smoke a cigar in the way that Tony does? This article is for you. As you’ll see, Tony isn’t your average mob boss prototype, and his cigar habit reflects his quirky personality perfectly. ...
Top 4 Cigar Smoking Coaches of All-Time
To pay tribute to the tradition of these cigar-loving men, we’re going to list the top four smoking coaches of all time.