What is Virginia Tobacco?
Now, if you’re new to the world of tobacco, you may not have a good grasp on what makes Virginia tobacco so ubiquitous, and what qualities it offers that make it distinctive from other varieties.
What are Botanical Terpenes?
Let’s dive deeper into the world of botanical terpenes, as it’s a term you’re likely to come across when shopping for hemp products.
What is Kentucky Tobacco?
Kentucky was founded in 1792, being the fifteenth state to join the Union, and it took next to no time for tobacco to be the state’s main crop.
8 Reasons Pipe Smokers Should Try Sutliff Signature Pipe Force Episode IV
Sutliff Signature Pipe Force Episode IV has really got everyone talking, and we’re going to take a closer look into it to give you an idea of what makes it such a special release.
What is Burley Tobacco?
Burley tobacco is one of the most widely enjoyed tobaccos around the world, and an excellent example of why American-grown tobacco is such a special part of the tobacco industry.