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Parts of a cigar

Cigar Articles

  Those new to cigars will find themselves introduced to a lot of unfamiliar terminology. Learning the meanings of some of these terms and also the basic construction of a cigar can help a new smoker select a first cigar and smoke that first cigar. Cigars are usually the same basic shape although some variations exist (such as Torpedos). The standard cigar shape is called “parejo.” Cigars come in a variety of sizes which are measured with a combination of length and diameter. Diameters are measured in units of 64 (each unit of 64 is equivalent to an inch). This...

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History of Cigars

Cigar Articles

History of Cigars If you are new to smoking cigars, you may be interested in learning some of the illustrious history behind these fine products. Where did cigars originate? How did their popularity spread and develop over time? Along with typically been credited with discovering America, Christopher Columbus is the explorer generally considered to have been the one to have brought tobacco to Europe for the first time. It was on the island of Hispaniola that two of his crewmen were introduced to tobacco by the natives of the island. Since smoking was widespread through the Caribbean at that time,...

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Avo Domaine Puritos

Avo is the company formed by Avo Uvezian at the age of 61. A lifelong jazz musician, he traveled to Puerto Rico and opened up a piano bar where he discovered a new passion – cigars. His passion for cigars became such that he started rolling some himself and giving them away to his guests for free. Soon he discovered he had a new hit; his cigars were in so highly demanded that he could begin selling them and turn his hobby into a business. Now Avo’s cigars are known and loved worldwide. The Avo Domaine Puritos is the smallest...

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