At BnB Tobacco, we’re proud to offer a large range of delectable, high-quality cigars for every need. Now that we’re approaching the late summer, many of our customers are beginning to crave mild-medium bodied cigars that are perfectly suited for the weather. That’s why we’ve made a list of our five favorite cigars from this category.
As you read through the descriptions below, you’ll see that each cigar that we’ve listed is extremely unique, boasting its own exquisite flavor profile and blend. If you’re a true cigar enthusiast, you just may want to pick up all five.
Mild-Medium Bodied Cigar #5: Acid Purple
The Acid Purple cigars are crowd pleasers that never fail to suit a wide range of palates. There’s something about this mild-medium cigar that’s absolutely irresistible. The Nicaraguan filler is lovingly sourced by the renowned Drew Estate, and the Sumatran wrapper is distinctively sweet, balancing out the richness of the tobacco.
These cigars are known for their earthy and almost buttery flavor profile that provides you with the silkiest draws imaginable. That combined with the intoxicating aroma make them easy for any cigar enthusiast to fall in love with.
Mild-Medium Bodied Cigar #4: Dominican Robusto
These Dominican Robusto cigars are favorites among many of our customers, because they’re so delightful to smoke. The Dominican filler combined with the natural Maduro wrapper make each cigar feel and taste like a little bit of luxury. Yet, they’re surprisingly affordable despite the incredible quality and attention to detail.
This particular cigar provides you with a nice amount of spice that complements the mild-medium body of tobacco. Hints of earthiness add a savory component that rounds out the overall flavor.
Mild-Medium Bodied Cigar #3: Aging Room Havao
These limited-batch Aging Room Havao cigars were conceived by Jochi Blanco and Rafael Nodal, and they’re absolutely remarkable in terms of quality, as you’d expect. A blend of rare and exquisite Dominican tobaccos gives the flavor profile its uniqueness that’s absolutely irresistible. And, the Connecticut wrapper ties everything together.
This stogie is known for its velvety draws that feel indulgent beyond belief. The distinctively spicy flavor profile is great for late-summer smoking as well. Overall, these cigars get the job done every single time.
Mild-Medium Bodied Cigar #2: Clementine Solomon
Our Clementine Solomon cigars are extremely popular, and for good reason. They’re not overly complex, which makes them easy to enjoy. What they are is profoundly smooth and beautifully rich, with just a hint of sweetness.
A blend of Honduran and Dominican tobaccos provides an intoxicating flavor profile that’s unique yet extremely warm and comforting. The Maduro wrapper adds to the luxury of the smoking experience, guaranteeing that you’ll feel deeply satisfied as you puff away. These cigars are renowned for their quality as they come from one of the most beloved manufacturers out there.
Mild-Medium Bodied Cigar #1: Arturo Fuente Brevas Royale
Our Arturo Fuente Brevas Royale cigars undoubtedly deserve their position on this list. These cigars are legendary, and our customers continue to buy them year after year. Even better, they’re surprisingly affordable despite the fact that they have a uniquely luxurious flavor and exceptional construction.
The brand’s famous Dominican filler is held together by a Cameroon wrapper, and the flavor profile is absolutely extraordinary. You’ll taste a unique toasted quality as you savor the rich and velvety tobacco. You’ll also enjoy nutty notes that add a savory quality, ensuring that your mouth waters with every single puff. Simply put, these cigars belong in your collection.
Satisfy Your Cravings with These Five Stunning Cigars from BnB Tobacco
We at BnB Tobacco are proud to have your cigar-related needs covered. Any of these medium-mild bodied cigars will take care of your cravings during this time of year.