With the wide variety and abundance of cheap cigars out there, it’s difficult to know which discount cigars are still worth giving a try. The first three cigars listed are in the $3 per stick price range, while the last cigar is the cheapest of the list. At these great prices, anyone can afford a quality a cigar that is also affordable. The next time you are looking for some discount cigars, give these a try!
Private Stock #2
This Private Stock cigar is made in same Davidoff factory in the Dominican Republic that also produces some higher end cigars like the Griffin and the Avo. The cigar is also known as a Davidoff Private Stock. This cigar has also has a mild and medium flavor, which makes it a great choice for novice cigar smokers. The wrapper is a natural Connecticut shade, and the cigar also features a binder from Ecuador and filler from the Dominican Republic. With a nice nutty taste, this is quite a complex cigar for the price.
Flor de Oliva Gold Toro
Flor de Oliva Gold cigars are made in Nicaragua, and they feature Nicaraguan filler tobaccos with Connecticut shade wrappers. These cigars also have a somewhat mild and medium flavor, and they compare favorably to more expensive cigars that use the same tobaccos. To really bring out the best that these cigars have to offer, many cigar aficionados recommend aging them for a few months before actually smoking them. This cigar serves as another excellent choice for the novice cigar smoker, and the seasoned smokers who are looking to try a great value mild-to-medium tasting cigar. Remember to place these cigars in your humidor, as their taste will improve with age.
Saint Luis Rey Rothchilde
Saint Luis Rey or (SLR) cigars are made by Atladis in Honduras. These cigars feature Honduran, Peruvian, and Nicaraguan filler tobaccos, and Nicaraguan binder and wrapper. These cigars are more medium to full bodied in flavor, and they are recommended for more experienced cigar smokers. With a very rich taste, many of the cigar smokers who have tried this particular cigar believed they were smoking a super premium stick. Its woodsy flavor and the creamy texture of the smoke work well together and make the Rothchilde taste amazing. For the value, you should be sure to pick up one of these cigars when you get the chance.
Mr. B Lonsdale Maduro
These specific cigars are made by hand in Nicaragua and contain 100% tobacco. With a mild and medium flavor, these are also the cheapest cigars of the bunch. Their price makes them a great value cigar for the everyday cigar smoker. Their taste and draw make them an excellent value for the cigar connoisseur that is looking to save some cash.