News — smokers
Filtered Cigars 101
Cigar How To's filter filtered cigars smokers tips for beginners wrapper
Filtered cigars consist of wrapper, binder and filler and in this particular case filter. Filters are intended to reduce the amount of smoke, tar, and fine particles inhaled during the combustion of a cigar, but have no actual proven health benefits. The standard filter used on cigars today contains 15 000 fibers per filter. According to surveys, smokers believe that filtered cigars reduce the risks of smoking and that is most likely why beginning smokers choose this type of cigars. However, they’re unaware of the possibility of loose fibers from cigars’ filters being ingested and/or inhaled into their lungs during smoking....
Handmade Cigars vs. Machine-Made Cigars
Cigar Articles handmade cigars hybrid machine-made cigars smokers
Most novice cigar smokers believe that there are only two kinds of cigars. They make an assumption that they have a choice to make between machine-made cigars or hand-rolled cigars. That’s an incorrect assumption. Whether a cigar smoker prefers handmade cigars or machine-made cigars usually comes down to what type of smoker they are. How often they want to smoke cigars and their ability to afford that amount of cigar smoking determines what type of a cigar smoker they are. That’s the reason it’s important for any new cigar smoker to understand the difference between hand-rolled cigars, machine rolled cigars...