Everything You Want to Know About Cigar Ash Trays
For the cigar aficionado, every element of the smoking experience matters, from the choice of cigar to the way it’s lit, cut, and savored. Among these essentials lies the humble yet essential cigar ash tray
A Brief History of Villiger Cigars
Villiger Cigars, a distinguished name in the tobacco industry, has a rich history that spans over 135 years. Founded in 1888 in Pfeffikon, Switzerland, by Jean and Louise Villiger, the company has grown from a modest home-based operation into a global enterprise, renowned for its commitment to quality and innovation.
Getting to Know the More Aesthetically-Pleasing Side of Cigars
From the intricate design of cigar bands to the luxurious ambiance of cigar lounges, cigars represent more than a product—they embody an art form.
Disposable Cigar Lighters vs. Refillable Cigar Lighters: Which Lights Your Fire Better?
We will be breaking down these two popular options, in order to find out what they bring to your stogie smoking experience.
How to Bring Cigars Into Your Thanksgiving Festivities
We will explore why cigars have become a timeless Thanksgiving tradition and provide some advice and tips on how to incorporate them into your Thanksgiving festivities.